Blog | Mobile Ed Productions

School Assemblies - Career Choices

Written by Geoff Beauchamp | Wed, Jul 28, 2010

Elementary school may seem a little early for children to be considering a career, but the seeds planted here can grow into deeply rooted passions as they mature. Exposure to different ideas and possibilities may have lasting and very beneficial consequences. So it is that in searching out ideas for school assemblies and school assembly programs it is wise to give some thought to this area, and there are some very fun and interesting programs available.

  Obviously, subjects like music and theatre readily come to mind. But other topics are also very interesting to the minds of children, and some can be drawn from current affairs.  I recently heard a report about the legal system in Iraq and how until very recently all evidence presented in courts was of the eye witness, “he said-she said” variety. With the influence of western trends, the courts  are beginning to use such modern techniques as DNA testing and fingerprinting. Television is full of programs such as CSI which focus on the scientific, forensic side of crime investigation. Since these programs are more adult in nature, many children may be unaware of these areas, but are non the less fascinated when the material is presented to them. A program such as Crime Scene Science puts this field into simple terms that elementary age kids can follow, and does so in a fun and eminently exciting fashion. The seeds planted by such a program may result in some students eventually choosing to investigate this field as a possible career choice.

  Speaking of television, this is also a field in which children have a natural curiosity. What kids don’t love television? So something like Lights Camera Action can have a lasting impact on students and may persuade some to look into careers in television or film production. Lights Camera Action brings a portable television studio into the school for the day and through strong student involvement shows kids how television production works, and how many special effects are produced. Students love to see themselves and their friends on TV and a program such as this not only allows the excitement of being on TV, but also instills in kids an understanding of how their favorite medium is created.

  Whatever school assemblies you choose, it is wise to consider choices that may impact the career choices our children will make later in their lives. 

Geoff Beauchamp is the Regional Manager of Mobile Ed Productions where "Education Through Entertainment" has been the guiding principal since 1979. Mobile Ed Productions produces and markets quality educational school assembly programs in the fields of sciencehistorywritingastronomynatural sciencemathematicscharacter issues and a variety of other curriculum based areas. In addition, Mr. Beauchamp is a professional actor with 30 years of experience in film, television and on stage. He created and still performs occasionally in Mobile Ed's THE LIVING LINCOLN