Blog | Mobile Ed Productions

Mobile Planetarium In Schools Launchs Imaginations Into Orbit

Written by Geoff Beauchamp | Mon, Jul 16, 2012

As we approach the new school year you, and everyone else, no doubt, are scrambling to find the absolute best school assembly programs to enrich the lives of your students this year. May we, humbly, suggest one in particular?

Not long ago, NASA ended flights for the space shuttle program after many years in which these sturdy vehicles ferried men and material back and forth from space. But that was hardly the end of human space exploration. Far from it! NASA is heavily invested in reentering this arena, only now through partnerships with private industry. Several companies are pursuing different projects all designed to allow American crews to once again venture off our planet's surface in American space craft. One design, the Dream Chaser, is strikingly similar to the retired shuttle design, but with a very modern and updated style, and no doubt carrying far more advanced technology. But Dream Chaser is not alone. There are several craft in the works, all designed to bring men and supplies to the International Space Station. From there, another craft, currently being designed and tested, will be ready to transport humans further into space. (

So, the space program is far from over. And what we need now is a new generation to be newly inspired to take up the challenge and commit themselves to this noble venture.

The best place to begin planting this inspiration is in elementary school, when young minds are open and willing to take chances.

And we feel the very best way to begin this journey is with the short distance required to enter a planetarium. Short distance, because we can bring this great adventure right into your gym! Our Sky Dome mobile planetarium, is an inflatable dome that we set up right in your school. With multiple programs scheduled during the day there is time for the entire school to get a chance to view the heavens, all during a single school day. And what a view it is!

Mobile Ed's Sky Dome mobile planetarium utilizes a state of the art digital star projector to project the night sky onto the inside of a panoramic dome which is nearly thirty feet in diameter, and a full sixteen feet high at it's apex! It is simply spectacular. Nearly one hundred students can fit comfortably inside during each show. With stunning computer generated graphics, this program is guaranteed to spark imaginations of all ages. And, best of all, the Sky Dome is brought to you by one of our trained and thoroughly professional star guides, to lead you and your students through a breathtaking voyage to the stars. Unlike other companies, where the program inside the dome is merely a canned, prerecorded movie shown for novelty on a curved surface, our mobile planetarium is a live performance brought to you by an entertaining and knowledgeable presenter, fully willing, eager and able to interact with your students throughout their stargazing odyssey, so all their questions may be readily answered on the spot, and customization of their voyage is not only possible but encouraged. Content is already designed to meet or exceed state standards, so administrators will be quite happy to allow this time out of class because it remains truly “time on task”!

All in all, we cannot think of a better way to bring your students a more memorable and exciting assembly program than with Sky Dome portable planetarium! Mobile Ed has several different tours available and crisscrossing the nation, so it is very likely that our mobile planetarium will be available in your area this year, wherever you live! And best of all, the cost to bring this magnificent experience to your kids is very reasonable. Check with us to find the rates for your area, and you will be very pleasantly surprised at just how inexpensive it is to invite Sky Dome into your school.

So as NASA begins the next chapter in mankind's exploration of the universe, why not take your children along on the ride! Check with us soon to see when this amazing school assembly program will be available to visit your area and your school!