Washington School Assembly Programs 2014-2015

State of Washington assembly programs

Mobile Ed Productions has been bringing some of our school assemblies to Washington for the past few years, and the 2014-2015 school year is no different.  Unfortunately, because of the logistics of routing we are not able to offer our entire catalog to your area, but give us a call anyways - there might just be a chance we can work something out.

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Frederick Douglass school assembly program history education convocation black history month activity idea

Frederick Douglass 
The Starry Road to Freedom is an expertly performed one-man show delivered by a strong actor who will enrapture your staff and students as they learn all about the influence of this famous American. Chronologically traveling from Douglass' days as an enslaved youth all the way to adulthood and his relationship with President Lincoln, stressing the importance of freedom in all aspects of life.  Learn more!

dr martin luther king jr assembly program for elementary schools black history month civil rights ideas

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 
This program will travel through time with the important characters and events surrounding Dr. King's life and is expressed through song, poetry, and powerful oration. Students will see how Dr. King's life and ideas were molded through a life-long commitment to freedom and equality. A must-have!  Learn more!