Meet America's most famous president
This excellent historical program has now been presented in thousands of schools across thirty-five states from New England to California. Besides elementary and secondary schools, our stunningly realistic-looking Abraham Lincoln impersonator has also performed in retirement homes, libraries, and even for the inmates of a county jail or two.

In schools, our presentation of Abraham Lincoln lasts approximately 45 minutes, and comprises a chronological first-person narrative of his life from his humble origins in the backwoods of Kentucky through his trying years in the White House. This show's content can be adapted to the age of the audience Mr. Lincoln is addressing. Drawing on in-depth expert knowledge of this subject, our performer will provide an educational odyssey that is often humorous while at other times extraordinarily moving. During portions of a performance for older grades, it is not uncommon to spy a few moist eyes in the audience. Mr. Lincoln serves as an excellent role model for students of all ages! Expect the shelves of your media center to be emptied of related books following this program.
A very popular portion of Mr. Lincoln's visit occurs after the formal presentation when the actor fields questions from the audience. You may wish to allow additional time for your students to take full advantage of this segment, as there are always more questions than time allows. If desired, schools may wish to schedule a full day with this program, allowing for additional informal classroom visits to follow the actual assemblies.