Education Through Entertainment

10 Simple Ways Teachers Can Reflect on the School Year

Posted on Mon, Jul 11, 2022

10 Simple Ways Teachers Can Reflect on the School Year

The sun is out, and so is class! The team at Mobile Ed is reflecting on the past year, our challenges, achievements, and our plans for the future so we can continue educating students around the country with the best fun and educational school assembly programs. Our team is working to plan our programs so they can be more impactful, accessible, and entertaining. While we reflect on this past school year, we invite you to join us. 

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Getting Rid of Burnout: What Leaders Can Do

Posted on Mon, Jun 13, 2022

Getting Rid of Burnout: What Leaders Can Do



Mobile Ed Productions, Inc. is an organization dedicated to supporting educators in big and small ways. As of late, many of us have felt the consequences of maintaining continuous high expectations and demands with little help: it’s called burnout and it is no stranger to most in the education field. Though there are several ways that educators can combat the symptoms of burnout, such as community support and self-care, our team has come together to create an article about ways we can attack burnout at the root.

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8 Practical Tips for Overcoming Teacher Burnout

Posted on Mon, Apr 25, 2022

8 Practical Tips for Overcoming Teacher Burnout


(Image provided by Pexels)


Mobile Ed Productions, Inc. was founded by educators 43 years ago to be a tool for schools in Michigan. It has since developed into a beneficial resource for supporting educators of all subjects across the country. As a company that’s been run by educators for almost half a century, we know what burnout feels like. Feelings of exhaustion, self-doubt, and withdrawal can easily creep in at any time, especially around springtime. This doesn’t mean we have to let burnout overcome us or our classrooms. Educators at Mobile Ed Productions, Inc. provide personal tips for overcoming burnout. 

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7 Tips for Handling Viral Challenges in Your Classroom

Posted on Mon, Jan 10, 2022

The National Education Association, the largest teachers union in the United States, has sent a letter to the CEOs of TikTok, Facebook Inc., Instagram, and Twitter Inc. calling for control over the spread of viral challenges and false information on their social media platforms. These viral challenges and the spread of misinformation have made educators’ lives significantly challenging this past year. 

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