Well, Happy New Year! It is now officially 2012, and in many places schools are resuming today or tomorrow after the holidays. Our school assemblies are back on the road this morning with some schools enjoying programs already this chilly morning on January 2.
However, for this morning I wish to bring your attention to a matter a little further into the future. Today I would like to say a word about library shows, and entertainment for kids in libraries.
Libraries are always looking for ways to bring kids in and get them to read and begin to develop the habit of visiting libraries. Of course, children are in school during the day. But they are free to visit a library in the evening, on weekends and of course during holidays. And, most of all, they are free during the summer!
We frequently receive interest in our school assemblies from libraries looking to entice young readers for evenings and holidays through the school year. This being January, there is a holiday coming up for most schools on Monday January 16, in celebration of the birth of Dr. Martin Luther King. Many libraries take advantage of our Martin Luther King program on that day as a way of coaxing children through their doors. Next month is February with Presidents Day on the 20th, and another prime opportunity for, say, a visit from an ex president like Abraham Lincoln.
But the golden time for libraries to utilize assemblies and school shows is always during the summer. In fact, there is even organization at work to promote summer reading by the use of a theme in libraries across the country.
For those who do not know, the Collaborative Summer Library Program promotes a theme or a set of themes each year to help get kids into libraries. This year, the theme or slogan for children is “Dream Big - Read!”, while the theme for teens is “Own The Night!”
Well, as some libraries have already figured out, we have the perfect program for both these themes! Sky Dome Planetarium is ideal for these themes. As a portable planetarium standing thirty feet in diameter and sixteen feet high, the Sky Dome is certainly big enough to help kids “dream big!” and that is without even mentioning the presentation itself, with the entire universe of night skies available to inspire the imagination of children. As for teens, how much better can you get than to offer the night sky itself as a means toward “Owning The Night!”? Sky Dome portable planetarium is the perfect library entertainment or library show for celebrating the 2012 themes. But if you are a librarian and are in the market for such a library show please do not delay. Contact us soon. With most of our tours, dates from now through the end of the school year are already almost filled. And for the early summer, a number of libraries around the country, from Missouri and Minnesota to California and New York have already begun to schedule dates and weeks are filling in quickly. Make sure you grab your day to own the night!
Geoff Beauchamp is the Regional Manager of Mobile Ed Productions where "Education Through Entertainment" has been the guiding principal since 1979. Mobile Ed Productions produces and markets quality educational school assembly programs in the fields of science, history, writing, astronomy, natural science, mathematics, character issues and a variety of other curriculum based areas. In addition, Mr. Beauchamp is a professional actor with 30 years of experience in film, television and on stage. He created and still performs occasionally in Mobile Ed's THE LIVING LINCOLN.