It is Fall and a lot of schools are looking for things to do with the kids to break up the daily grind of classroom work and augment the educational process through a field trip. And there is nothing wrong with field trips! We all love taking trips to cool destinations. Trips to a Planetarium or the Zoo or a historical site all contribute mightily to a students education and can spark the imagination in countless ways.
Education Through Entertainment
Something to say today about another performer we are all really proud of here at Mobile Ed. Robert Pirtle is a fine and handsome young gentleman who hails from the great city of Memphis, Tennessee. He also presents one heck of a “killer” school assembly program.
We had a great day today, talking to school assembly coordinators from all over the greater Chicago area about our school assemblies! Today, of course, was the first of two days comprising the Center East Showcase at the North Shore Center for the Performing Arts in Skokie, Illinois.
Some information to consider today about different types of school assembly performers. All different kinds of people are now involved in bringing programs to schools. We can divide them into some groups, though, in order to bring in some structure.
Great news today, especially for those of you looking for school assemblies in California or in general on the West Coast.
Another story today about the experiences of one of our presenters, and the power of school assemblies to impact the lives of children!
A little advice today for those seeking new ideas for school assemblies. With all of the standard presentational type school assembly programs available, I found, when I was scheduling programs for my school, that something out of the ordinary was occasionally a great treat.
Just a quick story about one of our school assembly performers and the power of school assemblies to impact the self esteem of children in a powerful and positive manner.
Elementary school may seem a little early for children to be considering a career, but the seeds planted here can grow into deeply rooted passions as they mature. Exposure to different ideas and possibilities may have lasting and very beneficial consequences. So it is that in searching out ideas for school assemblies and school assembly programs it is wise to give some thought to this area, and there are some very fun and interesting programs available.
If you are looking for ideas for school assemblies that are relevant to the curriculum then one good plan is to try and tie things to the calendar. I like to think of these as “seasonal” programs.