Education Through Entertainment

Happy Labor Day From Mobile Ed Productions!

Posted on Mon, Sep 2, 2013

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Detroit Celebrates a Birthday Amidst Bankruptcy and New Growth

Posted on Wed, Jul 24, 2013

As Detroit, our city, endures the misery of passing into bankruptcy, and basks in the unwelcome attention of the world, it is not a bad thing to reflect on a proud and storied past.

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Mobile Ed's School Assembly Guide, Part 18 – Fine Arts

Posted on Fri, Jul 19, 2013

 Recently in these pages we have been developing a Guide to School Assemblies.  Today we will look at shows and field trips featuring Fine Arts programs.

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Extraordinary Achievements, Inspiration, and School Assemblies

Posted on Wed, Jul 17, 2013


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July 4 – Gettysburg, 150 years ago.

Posted on Thu, Jul 4, 2013

So, today is the 4th of July.

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Mobile Ed's Thomas Edison Returns To Edison Birthplace

Posted on Tue, Jul 2, 2013

Last Friday Mobile Ed performer Thomas Johnson, known to many of you by his mime name of Toma, had a really unique opportunity.

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Mobile Ed School Assembly Guide Part 16 – Animal Programs

Posted on Thu, Jun 27, 2013

Recently in these pages we have been developing a Guide to School Assemblies.  Today we will look at shows featuring live animals.

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Great review for Mobile Ed Productions School Show

Posted on Thu, May 2, 2013

Every so often we like to blow our own horn. Who doesn't? And I wanted to quickly share these short reviews we recently received following a couple of programs in different locations.

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Boston Bombing Victims and New Medical Technologies

Posted on Wed, May 1, 2013


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Mobile Ed Productions New STEM Museum Selling Out

Posted on Thu, Apr 25, 2013

A mere two weeks ago we announced our newest school assembly program, The STEM Museum. We must have touched a nerve. Already the tour for the 2013-2014 school year is experiencing overwhelming demand. In fact this awesome new school show is getting close to being sold out in the Midwest and East and West coast dates are close behind. Only a few dates remain available for Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Kentucky and Illinois. In some states we have only one or no dates left at all.

And small wonder.

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